2015 Organic Wine Awards Launch

Dear Organic Vineyards!

After a successful inaugural awards in 2014, I am proud to introduce the 2015 NZ Organic Wine Awards. Created to find, promote and showcase New Zealand’s best organic wines the second annual NZ Organic Wine Awards.

Sticking to our core values, the awards will again be without a big name sponsor, feature volunteer judges, and have zero entry fee’s. This allows us to maintain complete neutrality, with no external pressures and focus on promoting the best NZ Certified organic wine available! We will also be tweaking some of our categories to make understanding the medals more intuitive, and remove the stigma that a more expensive wine equals a better wine!

Hopefully you have spotted tasting notes of last years wine, which are now available (free) on our website. www.organicwineawards.co.nz; we will continue to grow this database with every awards vintage.

For more information please click here. Or use the links below to enter wine!

Many thanks for your time, we look forward to promoting NZ’s best organic wines.

Luke Thomas
Awards Curator

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