Entries Open For 2017 Sydney International Wine Competition

Entries now open – 2017 Sydney International Wine Competition

Entry Forms now available www.top100wines.com

The 37th Sydney International Wine Competition – the only international wine show that judges all its finalists in combination with appropriate food – has opened for entries for its 2017 competition.

The competition is open to grape wines from all countries. Entries are capped at 2,000 wines, mainly because of the logistics associated with judging wines with food. Entries will close upon receipt of the first 2,000 entries.

All entrants will be notified of their results by end of October, 2016.

Official announcement of the awards and trophies will be by mid-November, 2016.

Trade will be separately notified of award and trophy winners at that time.

Trade, Sommelier, and public tastings to be held in Sydney in early February 2017 (details TBA).

Online Entries can be made via the competition’s website www.top100wines.com which contains full details of the judging criteria, conditions of entry and a current listing of all award winners from the 2016 competition.

With no minimum production requirements, this show is still available to experimental and small makers to test their wines beside major producers’ entries.


To enhance further the role of food in the wine judging process, the Sydney International Wine Competition has brought in Marcell Kustos, a PhD student from the University of Adelaide’s School of Agriculture, Food and Wine.

Marcell will work with Celebrity Chef Michael Manners to develop the menus for the final rounds when wines are tasted “with appropriate food”, exploring if more science can be brought to matching food and wines.

This year’s innovation builds on the founding philosophy of the competition:

“The reality is, for most of us, wine is best enjoyed with food, and it is pleasing to see many winemakers and their corporate marketeers responding.  The judging of wine, with food, in the right environment, is the best way for a wine show’s awards to have relevance for consumers, and that is what Sydney International Wine Competition has been doing for the past thirty plus years.”

Warren Mason, Founder, Sydney International Wine Competition

Entry Forms now available: www.top100wines.com

For further information:

Brett & Michaela – Competition Directors
Sydney International Wine Competition
Tel +61 (0)2 4757 4400
Email: michaela@top100wines.com

Release issued by Hook Communications
Peter Hook phone 0407 462 213 or
email  peter@hookcommunications.com.au

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