Aotearoa New Zealand Chardonnay Symposium Date Announced

Hawke’s Bay Winegrowers, in collaboration with New Zealand Winegrowers and the New Zealand Society of Oenology and Viticulture, are proud to announce the inaugural Aotearoa New Zealand Chardonnay Symposium will be held in Te Matau-a-M?ui Hawke’s Bay on the 5th and 6th of October 2023.

Chardonnay is one of New Zealand’s most important varietals and with its spiritual home being Hawke’s Bay it is only fitting that Hawke’s Bay hosts this important event that will provide a forum for the wine community to assess where we are at and where we would like to go in the journey to making exceptional Chardonnay.

Logo for chardonnay, symposium, aotearoa,

Held over two days on the 5th and 6th of October 2023 the symposium will bring together a national audience from the wine community to hear, taste and share knowledge on the domestic and international trends happening with Chardonnay.

The symposium will be held at Toitoi: Hawke’s Bay Arts and Event Centre, in Hastings where delegates will have the opportunity to hear from domestic and international Chardonnay experts.

The NZSVO will be delivering a technical workshop on Chardonnay on day one to be followed by an international focused perspective on Chardonnay on day two.

It’s not all work though, as HBWG will be hosing the “Great New Zealand Chardonnay Celebration” in the newly refurbished laneways precinct of Toitoi on the evening of the 5th of October.

Sally Duncan chair of HBWG says: “We are excited to be hosting this nationally significant event in Hawke’s Bay, that builds on our reputation as a region that produces world class Chardonnays and fits with our reputation as one of the great wine regions of the world. Announcements of international speakers will follow but in the interim please save the date and we look forward to hosting you in our beautiful province”

If you want to keep up to date with announcements and programming for the Aotearoa New Zealand Chardonnay Symposium, then please register here:

Vineyard Image - chardonnay, symposium, aotearoa,

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