New Zealand 2014 wine vintage to support export growth

New Zealand 2014 wine vintage to support export growth

The 2014 New Zealand grape harvest has been completed with high quality grapes picked across the country.

“All grape growing regions experienced very favourable growing conditions through summer and into early autumn. 2014 is set to be another memorable, high quality vintage which will provide a further boost to growing wine exports,” New Zealand Winegrowers chief executive officer Philip Gregan said.

According to the 2014 Vintage Survey 445,000 tonnes of grapes were harvested.

This year’s crop is up 29 per cent on last year’s harvest and will position the industry well for the continuing consumer demand for New Zealand wine.

Virtually every region has achieved production growth and for the first time Nelson, Waipara and Central Otago have exceeded 10,000 tonnes.

“Winemakers across the country are incredibly pleased with the quality and flavours of the 2014 grape crop,” Gregan said.

“The larger harvest will enable the industry to meet strong consumer demand in established and new markets and support export growth.

“The New Zealand wine industry has set its sights on becoming a $2 billion export industry, and the 2014 vintage is a good step towards this ambitious goal.”

New Zealand wine is exported to more than 90 countries and wine exports are currently valued at $1.32 billion per annum.

Contact: Philip Gregan

P: 64 9 306 5555

M: 64 021 964 564

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