NZ Wine Industry Welcomes UK Free Trade Agreement

New Zealand Winegrowers welcomes today’s announcement that the UK FTA will enter into force on 31 May 2023.

“The UK Free Trade agreement is very positive for the New Zealand wine industry. It will more closely align the winemaking standards across the two countries, and help reduce technical barriers to trade, by minimising burdens from certification and labelling requirements on New Zealand wine exports. It will also support future growth in the market, and encourage exporters to focus on the UK,” says Sarah Wilson, General Manager of Advocacy and General Counsel at New Zealand Winegrowers.

NZ Wine Industry Welcomes UK Free Trade Agreement

“The UK is New Zealand’s second largest export market for wine, with exports valued at over $470 million last year. UK consumers appreciate the distinctive flavours, commitment to quality, and know New Zealand wine is a unique product that they can trust.”

“This agreement is especially significant at a time when we are facing increasing costs across the industry, and it will make a big difference for those who export to the UK market.”

“We thank Ministers and officials for their support and conduct of ongoing negotiations over the past few years, during what have been challenging and uncertain times.”

It is fitting that this announcement is made today, on International Sauvignon Blanc Day, Friday 5 May, with Sauvignon Blanc making up over 85% of all wine exported from New Zealand.

Pour Yourself a Glass of New Zealand

New Zealand Winegrowers are calling all white wine lovers to pour yourself a glass of New Zealand and celebrate New Zealand white wine this May. Pour Yourself a Glass of New Zealand is a month-long celebration of New Zealand’s white wine varieties and comes at a time when New Zealand’s top three exported white wine varieties are internationally celebrated, with International Sauvignon Blanc Day, International Pinot Gris Day and International Chardonnay Day all falling in May.

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