Pinot Noir New Zealand 2025 Invites Global Wine Lovers To Reconnect.

Pinot Noir New Zealand 2025 invites global wine lovers to reconnect. For three days in February 2025, New Zealand’s South Island city of ?tautahi Christchurch, will host a community of souls united by their reverence for Pinot Noir.

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Pinot Noir New Zealand 2025 (PNNZ 2025) is set to take place 11 – 13 February and returns after an eight-year hiatus in Aotearoa’s ‘oldest and newest’ city, at a contemporary venue, and with an exciting lineup. The tickets have just been released, and they come with a word of warning – previous events sold out. So, all Pinot Noir aficionados should get planning for next year’s most exciting wine event.

“We are beyond excited to announce the release of tickets for Pinot Noir New Zealand 2025 to be held next year in February. We have some amazing speakers lined up and are looking forward to hosting influential trade and media from our key export markets This is the chance for experts from around the world to experience New Zealand’s phenomenal Pinot Noir at the incredible Te Pae conference centre. For anyone engaged in the global wine scene, it is an opportunity not to be missed,” says Michael Henley MW, PNNZ 2025 Chair.

“With an exciting three-day programme and over 70 wineries participating, attendees can expect to immerse themselves in the stories of the land, people, and culture of New Zealand. There is no better opportunity to get under the skin of New Zealand Pinot Noir and discover what makes it so unique.”

One of the United Kingdom’s most respected New Zealand wine commentators, Rebecca Gibb MW says, “Pinot Noir New Zealand 2025 is the opportunity to reconnect with a constantly evolving wine community whose thirst for self-improvement can never be quenched.”

Australian film director and author, Damon Gameau has also been confirmed for the programme. Famous for his documentaries ‘That Sugar Film’ and ‘2040’, reflecting on our interconnectedness with nature, Damon will deliver an inspiring perspective on what regenerative actions we take now, and can choose to take next to better our future, our industry, and our place.

Get set to ‘reconnect, engage, listen, taste, and learn’ in what will arguably be the most important 2025 event to explore New Zealand Pinot Noir.

Tickets and more information can be found at

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