Vineyard Beauty with Benefits

Vineyard Beauty with Benefits

Keynote Speaker Associate Professor David G James from Washington State University is instrumental in a project under way in Washington State, USA, with the aim of restoring habitat in, around or near vineyards, along with benefits (beneficial insects) and beauty (butterflies). This will have a major economic impact for the Washington State wine industry, viz:
  • reducing synthetic chemical inputs,
  • improving the sustainability of integrated pest management and
  • increasing the use of sustainable farming practices that protect the environment and community as a whole.

We believe that this will be of interest to many New Zealand vineyard owners, who would be welcome to attend our conference. More information about it is here:

His Keynote is scheduled for:

3.00 – 3.30 pm Unitec, Mt Albert, Auckland on Saturday 16 March 2013

The conference is a grass roots event, with plenty of practical tips for people who want to encourage more butterflies  – although several of the speakers are scientists, their presentation will be practical and pitched at gardeners and teachers, families and also owners of vineyards!

More information about David James’ project is here:

You are probably aware about the findings of a similar project at the Waipara valley over recent years.

For more details contact:
Jacqui Knight, Secretary
Phone +64 9 551 3383 or +64 27 481 4811

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