Our Wine Partner WINESAVE has some great gifts for your wine-loving friends and family this Christmas.
Here is a selection, but not all the products available – click each title to visit the store – offer ends 1 Dec 2020.
The winesave Pro
Premium wine preserver – uses argon to preserve open but unused bottles of wine perfectly for days or even weeks. Nook Wine Racks
Simple Click together wine storage – from 3 to 50 bottles
(Multiple configuration options for bottle storage)
Üllo Wine Purifier Products
The Üllo Wine Purifier instantly restores the natural taste of wine by naturally removing unnatural sulfite preservatives.
Kelvin K2 Smart Bluetooth Wine Thermometer
Using the latest Bluetooth 4.0 wireless connectivity, combined with recent advances in aerial technology, to send the temperature information to your smartphone (often from inside your refrigerator.)
AVINA Wine Tools
Quality bartenders’ and waiters’ corkscrews and bottle openers. Avina locking bottle stoppers for both still and sparkling wines.
Wine Travel Bags
The Wine Travel Bag has been expertly engineered to ensure the bags is 100% leak proof and of high quality.